Students » Announcements



Good morning, Orleans 

Today is Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Please Stand for a moment of silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  


Congratulations to Jayce Burton and Rori Briner on their outstanding performance this past Saturday at the IMEA All-State Honor Band Concert in Ft. Wayne.


It is White Out at tonight’s girls game.  Wear white and come out and cheer on the Lady Bulldogs!


Tux It will be returning to Orleans on February 23 for prom tuxes. Sign up in Mrs. Lowe’s room. 


There will be a meeting for any girl or boy interested in track during BDS in the main gym on Thursday


The Spanish Club will have a brief meeting in Mrs. Cruz room Friday during BDS. 


10th/11th Graders: Permission slips for the North Lawrence Career Center can be picked up in the office. Return to Mrs. Jones!  They are DUE Jan. 29 for the Feb. 4 trip; there are a limited number of slots available so they will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.


Announcements for NEXT week:

(Read each one below ONLY on the day it is happening):

The following BDS(s) will meet when the bell rings for BDS to begin so students need to come directly to the location (instead of going to your BDS room) and attendance will be taken there–


WEDNESDAY:  RIASEC 9th grade[Cafeteria]


The following events are taking place during BDS today:

THURSDAY:  Yoga/Intramurals

FRIDAY:  Intramurals